Good Afternoon
I wish to congratulate and say that it is a pleasure for Ruby to have such a wonderful, caring and engaging teacher. I know that she can be a handful sometimes but this week Miss Jess has gone above and beyond and helped Ruby have a wonderful time with her friends for her birthday. Miss Jess’s classes are always so much fun for Ruby and she is always bursting to tell me what she has done in her day.
I also want to say that when Miss Jess is on the opens, it is much easier for me to leave as Ruby is always happy and is engaged (whether it be helping set up the room or do some chores or just a general distraction). Some mornings when I leave she is quiet distressed which is never easy.
The children in Early Learners are very lucky to have such wonderful teachers.
All the existing staff are friendly and welcoming each morning and afternoon. We are loving the renovations that are happening as well.
Keep up the great work Kidi Kingdom Springfield.
Lisa Boyd