Ho Ho Hope You Have a Merry Christmas,

As another year comes to an end, we find ourselves reflecting on the past 12 months, it has been quite a year for all of us and we hope that 2024 has been just as memorable for you and your loved ones.

Christmas brings no greater joy than the opportunity to express to you our heartfelt season's greetings and gratitude. May your holidays and New Year be filled with joy, prosperity and love.

Warmest Wishes



Kidi Kingdom Child Care Centres.






New Year! Wow 2025 - What will you focus on?

As the end of year approaches it is time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture!

The ability to Focus is a part of everyday life. Focusing on the road when driving, having your eye on the ball when you are playing sport, focusing on what your children are saying when you speak to them.

If we are so great at focusing on these everyday tasks, why is it that so many of us feel that we have failed in some area or another. As the year draws to a close, this feeling amplifies and we reflect on the goals we set to achieve at the start of the year as time runs out in 2024.

Ask yourself what was missing that resulted in those goals not being achieved?

  • Could it be a lack of focus on achieving goals?

  • Did you write down your goals and read them often?

  • Did you focus on them often and take the required action?

Do not let another year go by where you do not achieve your new year's resolution. Our free gift is designed to support you at the beginning of the 2025 year to give you a clear focus and help you to develop an awesome plan!

We also would highly recommend you lead by example and use the Free Gift regularly with your child/ren to teach them at home about the importance of focus and goal setting to achieve that which they desire.

View online or Download your free gift.


Kidi Kingdom Child Care Centres

Coomera Centre

Address: 87 Brygon Creek Drive, Upper Coomera QLD 4209

Telephone: (07) 5529 9170

eMail: c@kidikingdom.com.au

Springfield Centre

Address: 36 Sapphire Street, Springfield, QLD 4300

Telephone: (07) 3818 2900

eMail: s@kidikingdom.com.au

Pimpama Centre

Address: 1 Winchester Cres, Pimpama QLD 4209

Telephone: (07) 5619 8111

eMail: p@kidikingdom.com.au




The happiest Kingdom for Kids on the planet !

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